Thank you for visiting the website of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School and I hope it gives you an indication of our school’s values and ethos.
Founded in 1564 by Royal Charter, our school has been helping young people to secure outstanding academic results and providing a well-rounded experience for over 450 years. The school encourages students to take responsibility for their learning from the moment they join, ensuring they are well prepared for the challenges they face on their journey at QEGS. We are a growing school with 1040 students currently on roll, but remain sufficiently small to recognise individual talents and ensure everyone is challenged and supported to reach their goals.
At our heart our core principles of respect for the individual, the encouragement of involvement within school and the wider community and the development of initiative to provide students with confidence and curiosity are promoted through all areas of QEGS life.
David Marchant BA (Hons) NPQH